[Album artwork – merchandise - Video]
“Mild Peril” LP
Leaning on a mix of childhood remnants, surrealism, and uncanny imagery, the goal for the visual universe of “MILD PERIL” was to experiment with the many different ways mild peril could be experienced. Playing with balance, scale, and unexpected visual markers, these 9-songs have evolved into a theater of the psyche.
[Print Design – Zine]
The Park
“Friday Press”
A bold, nostalgic take on the modern-day zine, The concept for “Friday Press” by The Park was driven by newspapers of yesteryear – playing with halftone textures, dynamic font mixing, and familiar layouts; a perfect visual for content highlighting the magic of web3, collaboration, and community.
[Music Video]
Jagged Baptist Club
“Temptation Death House”
A raw and experimental music video for a band that isn’t afraid to embrace something new. Intentionally moving away from a narrative-driven visual, “Temptation Death House” became a playground for interesting compositions, a rock band in slow motion (filmed at 210 bpm for funsies), and a challenge in how to push creativity with limited resources.
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